Did you know that #swissplastrail makes interior linings for #trains and #trams?

What components do you think of when you think of trains? Engines, wheels, doors, seats and windows quickly come to mind. However, an important detail is the interior plastic panels that cover the electronics and give the train a stylish design. swissplast Rail has been a manufacturer of custom-fit plastic covers for trains and railroads for many years.

In everyday life, we often use trains as a given means of transportation, but swissplast is also involved in their manufacture. Many of the components that immediately catch the eye come from our factories and give the interior its unique design. We manufacture panels, covers and cladding for a passenger-friendly interior. In this way, we make transportation as pleasant and, above all, as safe as possible for all passengers.

Our plastic parts have three important requirements in the rail transport sector: high stability for a long service life, low weight to reduce the overall mass and fire resistance in accordance with EN45545 in the event of fire. To this end, we follow guidelines and standards to produce optimum cladding parts that can even save lives in an emergency.

Keep your eyes open on your next train journey to see where plastic cladding is installed!

Want to read more about our activities in the field of #railtraffic? Follow us on LinkedIn! You can find more information and individual advice on the topic on our website!

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