The swissplast® group, as one of the largest companies in the field of thermoforming with four plants in Europe, is once again undertaking the pioneering role in environmental protection. Already CO2 neutral in production since 2013, swissplast® will now go even one step further in 2021! swissplast® neutralizes the complete CO2 emissions of all manufactured and sold products – from cradle-to-customer plus waste!

swissplast® is probably the first plastic thermoforming company in the world to undertake full responsibility for the CO2 emissions caused for all its manufactured products. Since 2013, long before many other companies in the industry, swissplast® has been committed to climate-neutral production.

Now it goes one step further. In the past few months, swissplast®-management, together with a certified partner, has calculated the CO2 emissions of all products on the basis of the “Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard” (GHG Protocol).

The “cradle-to-customer plus waste” approach was used for the calculation. The life cycle phases taken into account thus include the extraction of raw materials and packaging, relevant logistics processes, the manufacture of the product, the delivery of the goods to the customer’s factory gate and relevant disposal emissions of the product and the packaging.

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